The Office of Osama alsudais chartered accountant offers a variety of specialized financial services aimed at
ضمان الإلتزام بالقوانين واللوائح المحلية والدولية، وتحقيق أعلى درجات الشفافية المالية للشركات والأفراد.
Conducting accurate financial audits to ensure the correctness and integrity of financial statements and accounting statements, and ensure their compliance with international standards.
Provide consultations to ensure compliance with the taxes imposed in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as income tax, VAT and transaction pricing, in addition to providing strategies to reduce the tax burden and advising on tax planning.
Providing consultations in improving corporate governance and ensuring the application of best practices in the field of financial management and control.
Providing accounting services to private enterprises, including financial reporting and cost management.
Assist non-profit organizations in preparing their financial accounts in accordance with international accounting standards and donor requirements.